approximate weekly Stats: 18 Servers, 150 served, $210 donated by volunteers
approximate total stats: 41 servers, 350 served, $400 donate by volunteers
Last night was exciting and mellow all at the same time...
It was exciting to see over 18 people show up ready and willing to feed the homeless, giving of their own time and money. Many of the volunteers responded to a day before the event post, so I must admit I was a bit unprepared food wise. We aim to have each person create and hand out 10-15 bags, we only had enough for about 7 per person this week. BUT I ASSURE YOU ALL I will have more than enough at the next event!
Once we put the bags together and hit the streets to distribute, it was fairly mellow. The team I was with went to the Seattle Center and while there were more people than usual at the Seattle Center we didn't come across too many people other than that. Obviously there is a correalation there due to the cold weather; but at least it wasn't raining. The various groups of people we served at the Seattle Center were very thankful.
Another group went to the 5th ave shopping area. In their words "We ran into one guy who was holding a sign (definitely a young guy... maybe early twenties?) when I walked up, and was overjoyed upon receiving the baggie. He told me that his best friend had just walked down the McDonalds, so I handed him another one but he refused it. He asked if I would go find his friend and give it to him personally, said he would get a kick out of someone just being nice to him. I headed a few blocks down to McDonalds with my group in tow. Low and behold, there was a guy with a sign standing outside the front doors. I asked if his name was "Alex" or "Astro", and he says, "Yea! Astro Boy? That's me!" His face lit up just at me knowing his name and saying that his friend sent me. So that was that, I gave him his baggie, wished him a Happy Thanksgiving, and on we went."
Again, the volunteer attendance was amazing, and I hope to see you all again, even while I continue to look for new volunteers. I've no idea what we are going to do when we out grow the room we work out of, but it's a problem I wish to have.