Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eleventh Feed - RSVP Time

I got a phone call from Coal Creek Chapel a few days ago, a Church in Bellevue that has partnered with us many times. The phone call resulted in me picking up hundreds, if not thousands, of brand new tshirts and polos last night ... Now we need to figure out how to distribute them. I've no idea how we are going to do it, but figuring it out is half the fun!

I'm also going to change from Tuesday to Wednesday next week, so peoples can go have some Green Beer fun on Tuesday.

So, RSVP by noon Tuesday if you are able to meet up at 7pm on wednesday to inventory and organize lots of shirts then go distribute. Also let me know if you are willing/able to drive and how many people you can take with you. should be a good time!


1 comment:

Jerusha said...

I had a great time with this one... T-shirts were a harder sell then food though.
Also, next time, note-to-self - Don't take the box :P

I need to find a hand truck to bring with me. It would make things so much easier.