Monday, January 25, 2010

Hundreds Fed on Saturday


We had a fantastic time on Saturday serving up hot Chicken Teriyaki Bowls to people at Occidental Park. It smelled so good I wanted to get in line myself! We also had over 200 snack packs that we walked around the downtown area handing out to those in need. Once the Pioneer Square area was saturated we headed up to Pike Market and a few other locations distributing. While out we saw two other groups feeding peoples as well (One was the Bread of Life Mission and the other was Hugs Not Bombs I believe). It's fantastic to see others feeding the streets as well!

Our next event is Thursday February 4th. We will meeting by the Firemen Statue in Occidental Park at 7:30. Then we will head out in teams to feed the streets. We ask everyone to bring 12 snack packs to distribute.

That's that for now, quick and easy. You can keep up with us on twitter (@FeedSeattle) or our website (


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