Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Water and Bananas

FeedSeattle has been through MANY changes in the last 3 years. Currently we are regular but small. Meaning, though we go out twice a month to the same place, our numbers are pretty small. While I'm kinda saddened to remember back in the day when we regularly had 15+ volunteers, I must remember the reason I started this group; if I go solo I feed maybe 15 people, if I can get even 2 people to come with me that's more like 45 people. So I'm OK with that, I'm confident that we'll have the numbers we need when we need to have them.

For our next homeless feeding event we are doing something a bit different. First off I'm moving FeedSeattle back a week. Instead of the 19th we are going to do it on the 26th. Not only that, we are going to try and idea we have talked about for a few weeks; water and bananas only. They seem to be the two most popular items, and with the hot weather it makes sense to focus on water. I will try and get a cart to roll the heavy water in, if not we can be creative with parking and moving my truck.

So, bring as many bottles of water (cold if possible) and bananas you want, and joins us on the 26th!


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