Tuesday, September 21, 2010



I've been looking back at the blog posts, realizing it's been almost two years that we have done the FeedSeattle thing. We have gone through a number of changes in that time, all in the name of feeding the homeless on the streets of Seattle.

Now we find ourselves in (yet another) rebuilding period, and it's been a bit slow going. I want to give a bit of synopsis of where we have been, so perspective new volunteers can get a sense of where ours hearts are at a glance, without having to read through two years of blog posts.

I got a heart for the homeless while working at Safeco Insurance Company in the U-district. It's a bit of a long story to type here, but suffice it to say it involved a sign flyer named 'Gutter', at least that's what he told me his name was. So, after a few internet searches I began volunteering at TeenHOPE in Shoreline. TeenHOPE was a youth homeless shelter in Shoreline for kids between the ages of 13 and 17. I started on the overnight shift, then began doing street outreach and feeding in downtown Seattle, and eventually joined the Board of Directors. I found that I really liked the street outreach; driving downtown with a green van loaded with food, cloths, and volunteers to distribute to the youths hanging out. It was during this time that I also realized that I was not made to be on a Board of Directors. The politics and conversation about the same topic over and over just ground me down; I’d rather be on the streets feeding people. Though I'm certainly thankful there are others that are good at doing the Board of Directors thing.

About the time TeenHOPE was having financial issues, and eventually sold to another non-profit organization, I moved to downtown Seattle. It was at this time I decided to try starting my own street outreach feeding program. I wanted it to be all volunteer funded and have a low barrier of entry. I decided to have volunteers, all of whom I got off Craigslist, bring $10 to each event. All of that money would go to the food for the following week. We would get together in the common room of my apartment building for a half hour or so, put food bags together, then hit the streets to distribute. I must admit I was a bit surprised how quickly we grew. Each evening we would have two or three new people, and while they did not all come back, we regularly had 10-15 people within just a few months. It showed me that people are good, and want to help, it’s just that they need a bit of motivation and instruction. It’s not easy to walk up to a stranger on the street and offer them food, but I find that even the most nervous person can do it after seeing it done a few times. It was certainly out of my comfort zone initially.

During that first year we partnered with a number of organization, mostly churches, a fraternity from UW, etc. In fact, we had one special Saturday outreach event that included 4 groups where over 500 people were fed. That was AWESOME!!!

Soon thereafter I had schedule change at work, and got married. So I decided to take a bit of time off. Coal Creek Chapel in Bellevue decided to take over the effort. However, instead of doing mobile events (where we backpack around bags filled with food to distribute) they decided to do Saturday events where they would bring a bunch of food to Occidental Park in Seattle to distribute, often giving away great food like Teriyaki Chicken with rice and home made Chili. Many months later it worked out that I was ready to get back into the FeedSeattle gig, while Coal Creek was having some leadership issues and had to back out for a while.

So that's really where we are at now. I'm back in trying to build up a list of volunteers for twice monthly mobile events. It's been much slower going this time around, and now I've had another change in employment so our scheduling is a bit spotty. However, I do have a small list of volunteers that are hard core dedicated, so I'm confident we can grow this group up again once my job future is figured out.

At the end of the day it's not about numbers, it's about people getting fed that otherwise would have gone hungry.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Water and Bananas

FeedSeattle has been through MANY changes in the last 3 years. Currently we are regular but small. Meaning, though we go out twice a month to the same place, our numbers are pretty small. While I'm kinda saddened to remember back in the day when we regularly had 15+ volunteers, I must remember the reason I started this group; if I go solo I feed maybe 15 people, if I can get even 2 people to come with me that's more like 45 people. So I'm OK with that, I'm confident that we'll have the numbers we need when we need to have them.

For our next homeless feeding event we are doing something a bit different. First off I'm moving FeedSeattle back a week. Instead of the 19th we are going to do it on the 26th. Not only that, we are going to try and idea we have talked about for a few weeks; water and bananas only. They seem to be the two most popular items, and with the hot weather it makes sense to focus on water. I will try and get a cart to roll the heavy water in, if not we can be creative with parking and moving my truck.

So, bring as many bottles of water (cold if possible) and bananas you want, and joins us on the 26th!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Let's go make some smiles!

There was 4 of us last week; FOUR! While I can still remember the days when we regularly had 10+, I'm stoked that we are seeing some new regulars, and I'm more than happy to see 40+ get fed. Last week, as we were walking around, we noticed LOTS of smiles. People just blown away that some random strangers come up to them with arm and food extended. I particularly remember one older bearded out grubby gentleman. He was searching through his change cup outside McDonald, likely to see how much $ he had to eat. When I offered him some food, he had a very quizzical look on his face follwed by a mile long smile when he realized we were giving him some fresh fruit and other goodies; MAN I wish I could take a good picture of that initial smile. We've gained a bit of momentum the last few events, and with the weather getting better I'm hoping for big things the next few weeks. LET'S GO MAKE SOME SMILES!!!!

That's that for now!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pike Market good again

Last Thursday we had a good serve at Pike Market. Two new volunteers joined me, in fact one of them saw the ad on Craigslist and just showed up; Fantastic!

We distributed 24 or so to people hanging around the park near Pike Market, then headed to WestLake. We saw a number of teenagers hanging out at The Stage who were very excited for the food we gave them, as well as three more spanging in front of McDonalds. All in all it was an uneventful but fruitful server.

Tomorrow we roll again!


Monday, May 24, 2010

I like Pike!

Last Thursday I had a good solo serve at Pike Market. We have been modifying the dates and locations a bit lately, and I know that sometimes makes people drop off, or get confused or whatever. While it's understandable, unfortunately that is not likely to change anytime soon, as we are just trying to find the best days and locations to serve those in need. Recently we noticed another group of concerned citizens feeding people near Pioneer Square on Thursdays, which is fantastic, as it allowed us to move our operations to the Pike Market area. There are different types of needs in different areas of the city. While I'm willing to feed anyone in need, my preference is to feed someone who will likely otherwise not eat that night.

When I first drove by the park near Pike Market last Thursday I saw a lot less people than I had the week before. However once I got parked and everything loaded up, I had no problems finding people in need to give some snacks to. I had a good conversation with a couple of twenty-somethings who are here from France. They were smoking cigarettes and trying to sell some pencil drawings near Etta's restaurant. They have been here 8 months, and while I'm not sure where they are staying, they were so happy to get food they gave me some art in exchange. Hopefully they are there when I go back.

Next FeedSeattle Mobile Event is on June 10th (2nd and 3rd Thursdays). Meet me in the NW corner of the Park behind Pike Market.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We serve WAY more than we Blog!

Oops. Yeah so it's been a while since I've updated the blog, but does anyone really blog as much as they think they will?

Regardless I want to give ya'll an update, and make a good post for new people to get the 411 on what we do.

FeedSeattle is a loosely organized group of 'average Joe' volunteers with a heart for the homeless. We have tried a number of ways to feed the homeless on the streets of the Seattle over our 3+ years of service. We are fully volunteer funded, just out to make a small difference. Currently we are doing mobile events the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm, as well as the 4th Satrurday at noon, of every month.

A Mobile event is one where each volunteer arrives with 10-15 snack packs ready to distribute. Snack packs are easy to make. Simply take a gallon sized zip-lock bag and fill it with fruit, granola bars, chips, raisons, water, juice; just about anything really. Then we meet up, walk around, and distribute.

If you have questions please feel free to email me.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Hundreds Fed on Saturday


We had a fantastic time on Saturday serving up hot Chicken Teriyaki Bowls to people at Occidental Park. It smelled so good I wanted to get in line myself! We also had over 200 snack packs that we walked around the downtown area handing out to those in need. Once the Pioneer Square area was saturated we headed up to Pike Market and a few other locations distributing. While out we saw two other groups feeding peoples as well (One was the Bread of Life Mission and the other was Hugs Not Bombs I believe). It's fantastic to see others feeding the streets as well!

Our next event is Thursday February 4th. We will meeting by the Firemen Statue in Occidental Park at 7:30. Then we will head out in teams to feed the streets. We ask everyone to bring 12 snack packs to distribute.

That's that for now, quick and easy. You can keep up with us on twitter (@FeedSeattle) or our website (www.feedseattleoutreach.org).


Thursday, January 14, 2010

We did it!

3 servers + 55 snack packs = Lots of happy people

It was great to get back out on the streets after (too long) a time off. I'ma make this short and sweat so I stop slacking. It was fantastic that only 3 peoples, with a bit of pre-planning, could serve so many people so quickly. Just like the first time we started this I'm not exactly sure where we are going, but I do expect it to grow fairly quickly, as we have before, and for many many many people to be fed.

Up next is a Saturday feed at Occidental Park, January 23rd at noon. We will have the usual buffet line of goodness going on. So feel free to bring any food, clothing, etc. that you would like to give away. I've decided I'm going through my closet this weekend and filling a few bags to bring, I noticed many dudes my size there last time, and like most Americans my closet is stuffed.

Also bring 10 or so snack packs if you want to walk around with us backpack style and see who's hanging out at various parks and such.



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FeedSeattle is BACK!

Actually it never left...

Many months ago, about the time of my last blog, life got busy. First my work hours temporarily started including graveyard shifts and soon thereafter I got engaged and married. A few months before that I began partnering with a number of organizations. You might recall 10th feed when we partnered with two churches and a fraternity from UW for a mass Saturday feeding. It turned out that one of the those churches, Coal Creek Chapel in Bellevue, really loved what we were doing and how we were going about it. They continued to serve the homeless on the streets of Seattle even when I had to temporarily bow out of leadership duties. Well the time has come where they are looking to step it up a notch, and I am ready to become fully vested yet again to this great effort I started a number of years ago.

Here is where we stand:

Saturday Feeds - Every fourth Saturday we are going down to Occidental Park and setting up. Recently this has included enough stuff to make MANY bowls of teriyaki chicken. We also distribute any and every thing we have, or can have donated. At these Saturday feeds we also like to create snack packs and take some mobile backpack teams to distribute under the viaduct, on the side of I5, and other places that people in need tend to congregate. The next Saturday Feed is on January 23rd. Bring some stuff to distribute if you can, bring a friend or two, and lets feed some people in need.

FeedSeattle Mobile - We are ready to get back into the activity that this model was founded on, which is loading up the backpacks and meeting the people on the streets with snacks and sock ready to go. I know this is WAAAAAY last minute, but we are jumping into it again this comming Thursday, 1.14.10. Our model is a bit different than last time around. Instead of having you donate money for the next feed, we are asking people to make 10-12 snack packs themselves ahead of time and bring them on down. It's as easy as hitting costco/canned food warehouse/biglots/etc and getting some individually wrapped snacks along with a few gallon sized zip lock bags to put them in.

Email me any questions or comments. I hope to see some of you old skool FeedSeattlers at an upcomming event, if I don't recognize you PLEASE let me know you are from the old skool.

That's that for now!
