Wednesday, March 23, 2011

9 volunteers + 120 snack packs = LOTS of smiles!

Last night was great as a small group from a church across the water came out to help us do what we do.  We meet down in Pioneer Square then split into two groups: one headed northeast toward Yessler Park while the other headed south and west toward the stadiums and the water.

First off, it's terrific to see new people get into the game. Those who start off a bit tentative, that by the end of the night are offering food to just about anyone who walks by; Good Times!

The construction down by the stadiums has caused the street people and tents that used to be there to go .... well I'm not really sure where.  I was surprised to see so many cardboard tents under the viaduct right by all the parking ticket stands, but I suspect that the construction further south has something to do with it.

Lastly, a story I was told from the other group.  They came across a husband who's pregnant wife had just got done telling him that she is hungry, but that even know she was pregnant she knew that God would provide. Mere moments later the group handed her 3 snack packs.  Now. we all have a different reasons for doing what we do; God, Karma, Mother Earth, whatever. But when there is a human being that has resorted to their higher power just for a meal ... then we come along ... THAT'S why we do what we do.

Next event April 5th, mark it down!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Heading back to Pioneer Square!

FeedSeattle is doing what we do next Tuesday, the 22nd.  Instead of Pike Market, we are going to go back to our old 'hood; Pioneer Square.  There are a number of reasons for this, but we can talk about those next week.

So, Tuesday the 22nd, 7:30pm, meet at the firemen statue at Occidental Park and be ready to see some smiles!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Women's Shelter

Along with FeedSeattle, I also volunteer at Tabitha House; an emergency homeless women's shelter.  The ladies line up as some place downtown to get into a shelter for the night, then they are bussed to whatever shelter they got in.  Tabitha is in the basement of Bethany Community Church in Greenlake.  I show up at 8:30p to set out the mattresses while others make some snacks for the ladies.  Up to 12 ladies arrive at 9p, eat and get ready for bed, with lights out at 10p.  At 6a we all wake, clean up, grab a quick breakfast, then they are back on the van headed downtown at 6:30a.  It's a GREAT service that Bethany Community Church does, and one that ALL churches should do!

Last night was volunteer night for me, and the group was a bit older than average. I sat around listening to the ladies talk about normal stuff; politics, family, etc.  I couldn't help but feel disdain for their families.  Letting their mothers, sisters, and even grandmothers stay in a homeless shelter.  I know there is a certain percentage of the homeless population that does not want, and will not take, assistance; but I think that is the exception and not the rule.  One lady talking about how her family is upset she is staying at Tabitha because it is run by a church, and they will not talk to her because of it.  "EXCUSE ME?!?!  If you would take care of your family they would not have to turn to emergency services, and be taken care of by a church that you disdain so!"

Homelessness is a problem, and the responsibility is NOT all on the homeless themselves.

That's that for now, stay warm everyone.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Last night was good times!!!

Last night we had one new volunteer and one volunteer returning from a short Hiatus.  We're still a fairly small group, but any growth is good for sure. There seemed to be a strangely low number of people hanging out last night, but the 5 of us were able to hand out 60 snack packs and meet some interesting peoples along the way.  Such as…

- The lady I handed a snack pack too in the park near Pike Market.  She was very thankful and stated multiple times "I'm looking for a place to cook my ribs".  Now, there is a chance that she did indeed have ribs in the small garbage sac she was clutching, so I told her "Don't go starting fires in the park young lady".

- The Spanger\Street-Musician, who, when asked if he was hungry and wanted some food responded with something to the effect of "Is it gourmet food?", then eventually "Like a Filet-O-Fish or something?"

- The not-at-all sober lady who stated that she "Would rather have a McDonald's gift card" then proceeded to meticulously pick through our snack packs to decide which she wanted the most.  She eventually chose mine after first telling me that mine was not very good. 

- The African American gentleman who stated loudly "I have a bad complexion because I don't flush it out with water, I only drink power aid and fruit juice!"

There are more great stories, and more great smiles. Ya'll really need to come experience it for yourself sometime.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make it happen ya'll!

We're hitting the streets tomorrow evening and I hope all ya'll can join us; wouldn't that be fantastic?!?! The groups been small lately, as we seem in a continual rebuilding phase. I know that often times life gets in the way of philanthropy, but you are reading this blog for a reason, so I urge EVERYONE to take a few hours and a few dollars and come help us help people in need.  

Most of ya'll know the drill; Meet at the park in the NW corner of Pike Market at 7:30pm.  We usually congregate on the north end of the park, near the concrete circle, in front of the sea food restaurant Cutters Bayhouse.  Come with about 12 snack packs made and ready to distribute.  I'll be the big guy in the Sounders jacket and backward ball cap.  Leave time for parking as it can be touchy, though there is lots of free street parking.  Be flexible, sometimes it takes us 10 minutes, sometimes it takes us an hour; but either way people are fed and smiles are seen.  

That's that for now, let me know if you have any questions!


twitter: @feedseattle