Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It was a very good night!

Last night we saw 11 volunteers and about 66 people fed.  We had a couple people who could not show up and gave me snack packs they'd made earlier in the week, we had a couple people show up to give us snack packs but could not walk around with us, and we had a group of 6 walking around distributing.  At Westlake we came across a team from Stand Up for Kids partaking in a similar activity.  I had a great conversation with the SUFK gal and hope to work with them in the future.  

Lastly, I got lots of email responses this week, the group is growing, we are back at it, people are getting fed; It's all good!  

Next event is likely February 8th, but that is not yet in concrete.  Leave a comment here me if you would like to be a part of it and I'll get you on the email list. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tomorrow it is!

We are meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm at the grassy park in the NW corner of Pike Market. Each volunteer brings about a dozen snack packs ready to distribute. You can put just about anything in them. I like to use the gallon sized zip lock bags, though plastic grocery bags work as well. I usually put in a bottle of water, a few pieces of fruit, granola bar, apple sauce, etc.

I will be the big guy in a bright green and grey Seattle Sounders jacket with a turned around baseball cap. Sometimes it takes us 10 minutes, and sometimes it takes us an hour, you just never know.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Let's do this!!!

Once again I find myself apologizing for the hiatus and getting the group going again. Such is life in a non-affiliated volunteer funded group such as this.

Tuesday, January 25th is the date. The grassy park in the NW corner of Pike Street Market is the meeting location. Parking can be tough so leave some extra time if you can. I ask that everyone bring 10-15 snack packs, ready for distribution. If you really truly can not afford the packs, no worries, come on out and hang out with us anyway, maybe bring a bunch of bananas or two to hand out (we've found that homeless people REALLY like bananas).
