Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Email about Second Feed

I am happy to announce that I am no longer a Board Member of TeenHOPE. Over the last few weeks we have essentially given the company to another non-profit to manage, as they have MUCH deeper pockets than we do. They are going to continue to use half the duplex as a youth shelter and will use the portion we used as an office to offer emergency services to women; so it's truly a win-win.

I am excited to move my attention back to our budding Street Outreach Team. The next event will be on Tuesday, November 11th, from 7pm to 9pm. I've already purchased the goods to distribute, so please bring $10 cash to kick into the effort. If you truly can not afford the $10, no worries, come help us out anyway, just talk to me about it instead of ignoring it.


Tom said...

I'm interested in helping out. Never volunteered with you or your organization before. Let me know how to help.


jane said...

Hi, Could i join your group?

Dr. Cyclops said...

I am looking for a way to volunteer on Thanksgiving. My email is
Let me know if I can help

jndgreen said...

We are a family that would like to help during Thanksgiving or Christmas. Any info would be great.


Saint Paul's said...

Please call me. I have a potential volunteer who has no e-mail.

Bob Kluckhohn
Parish Administrator
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
15 Roy St., Seattle

Office hours 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Wed-Fri.