Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Forth Feed - Stories

Last night was yet another success. we had a group doing PBJ sandwiches that eventually grew to about 6 people. We only made 100, but were able to knock 'em out in about 45 minutes. Also one of our volunteers brought in some dental floss and some $17 phone cards, imagine the suprise when the people found those in their bags.

We tried a new location last night as myself and 3 others hoofed it down 4th avenue to the underpass and Yessler park area. All told we got ride of 50 bags in less than 20 minutes. We might drive to this area next week as it's about a 20 minute walk each way; though I kinda like the excercise.

There were a number of people hanging out in Yessler park, most of them Latino Americans, working-poor I would imagine. Then there was a whole host of people hanging out at Occidental Park. We got cleaned out while people obviously in need still had their hands outstretched.

On the walk down 4th we saw two gentlement walking out of the Library that were very thankful to be fed, called us a blessing ... and another semi-coherent man that gave us an old folded up magazine in return for the food, likely all he had to give.

So that's that for now, more stories from other volunteers when I get them. Fifth Feed December 23rd!


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