Monday, December 29, 2008

Sixth Feed - Stories

Despite the crazy holiday season and even crazier weather, 18 of us turned out for outreach on December 23rd, a mere two days before Christmas. Unfortunately I was unable to assist due to work. I had barely enough time to meet with everyone, get the bags packed, and get everyone out the door to go serve before I had to head back into work. I thought that a better idea than simply cancelling the event.

We had two good sized groups head out to the 5th avenue shopping area and Seattle Center; everyone was a first timer. After giving some instruction I asked if anyone had any questions, but there were none. Everyone was ready to go get their serve on even though they had never done it before. After the two main groups took off and I was heading back to work, a few more people showed up, thankfully we had enough left to get them packed up and sent out to Belltown.

As this was our last outreach for 2008 I've been reminiscing on how we've done so far, and it's been nothing short of amazing. When I started this group a few months back I kinda figured it would be me and a few friends doing this a few times a month. However already our meeting space feels a bit small, it's a bit hectic to get the bags packed, break into groups, and head out. PLEASE DON'T LET THAT EFFECT YOUR ATTENDANCE!!! Just be thankful that there are so many like minded individuals willing to do what we do.

I'm not sure where this group is headed, or what the future holds. All I know is that we will try and grow the group as much as we can and continue giving away every single penny that is donated.

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